
Residents and fellows receive a generous benefits package, including half-price tuition for family members, a discount for UA athletic events and access to the University’s recreational facilities.

Residents’ Annual Stipend

First Year$60,899.40
Second Year$62,513.64
Third Year$64,861.56


Vacation10 days per year
HolidaysSeven paid holidays per year, plus seven days at the end of December
EducationalFive total days taken in the second and third years
Sick12 days per year
Site VisitFive total days taken in the second or third years


Health InsuranceBlueCross BlueShield of Alabama policy provided at minimal cost; dependent coverage available
Term Life Insurance$50,000 provided
Malpractice Insurance$1 million/$3 million occurrence-type policy provided
Disability InsuranceProvided
Accidental Death and Dismemberment InsuranceProvided


International Rotation$1,500 stipend during second or third year.
CME Funds$1,000 for second and third year residents for approved materials.
Uworld USMLE Step 3 Question BankFirst year residents are provided with laptops and subscription to Uworld USMLE step 3 question bank.


LicensureFees for Alabama state licensure and Controlled Substance licensure provided, including DEA and USMLE Step 3, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Advanced Life Support for Obstetrics, and Alabama Board of Family Medicine exams.
Professional OrganizationsDues provided for organizations residents are required to join: American Academy of Family PhysiciansAlabama Academy of Family Physicians and hospital medical staff

Additional Benefits

RelocationUp to $1,500 provided (subject to tax).
MealsProvided while on call ($196 per month for regular call; $252 per month for night float). Lunches at afternoon lectures.
Tuition GrantImmediate family members may attend The University of Alabama for half-price tuition after six months of employment.
UA BenefitsResidents may use services provided by the Alabama Credit Union, receive a staff discount for all UA athletic events (residents are guaranteed a one-ticket football package each year) and may use UA recreational facilities (for a small charge). Flexible spending accounts available. Learn about The University of Alabama’s employee benefits.